Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Researching Wesbite layouts

*A simple, yet enticing homepage, I think this is really beautiful and makes an impact, with the soft colour pellet, together with the image a suttle text is really effective. Click this link to see this website.
*Looking at how other designers have set our their gallery pages. I think this website is successful as the homepage includes their gallery. One click and straight away you see their work. This way it grasps viewers attention straight away, keeping them on the site, without getting bored and distracted. I also think the layout is simple and easy to navigate. click this link to see this website.
*Looking at homepage layouts, I want a simple layout, yet it still make an impact when viewers first look at my page, so that they will continue to look into the other pages with my work. I think this homepage is quite successful, using a bold black, and gray colour scheme with a quirky image and text. Click this link to see website.

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