Thursday, June 18, 2009

My First Independant Homework, Attepmt At Making A Mini Site!!

*Index page- Where you click "Anna Marie Designs" and it connects you to the homepage.
*Homepage-With links to each of my pages
*About me about page-I would add information about myself!
*Projects page, next time I would have made the image a lot smaller, so that you could add a link to that image, so you could click it to bring up a separate window with a larger version of the image.
*My Contact Information page, if you click the link icon, it automatically opens outlook express(or a different email service depending what type of computer you have)

*My Links page, where if you click " Anna Marie Designs blog", it takes you to my blog page. I would add more links if I were to make the proper page.

1 comment:

  1. hey all, don't forget your moodboards should give a sense of the mood of your overall site presentation/design, rather than the content (although obviously it should enhance the content, and elements of the content should be employed in your moodboards). i.e. if you are intending your site design to be clean and minimal, your moodboard should communicate this. g
