Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Melissa Hie Website

*About page and skills page from the website

*The Contact page from the same site.
*This is a print design from the same site, to view the images you click on the two thumb nails below the large image, and it swop's the images, a bit like what we learnt in class on Tuesday, with the hover effect over images. I really like this, instead of having to open different pages with to see the images, this is a much simpler and cleaner way of viewing images. I think this is how I will have my gallery.
* my colour pellet to, and I love the imagery. I have been thinking about my website, and like this page your first click takes you straight to the homepage, which has all of the links to the sites pages. Instead of having an index page, which you then click, which takes you to a page, such as this one. As I was going to have an index page, then the homepage with the links to the site pages. This website is very cool, it has a different colour scheme on each page, and as you click the link a page pops in from a different direction each time, it makes me want to keep clicking to see what will happen next. The page layouts are very simple and clean cut, which I want for my portfolio.Click this link to see website

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