Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Researching Various Ways Of Web Layouts

*I really like the design of this page, with the collage of images together, creating textures. I also think the font style that they have used for their text is really cohesive with the design style and image. A very simple index page, but not at the same time as the image makes it something else.
*WGSN Website- I think this website has a really effective layout, while I have been researching and looking at different web layouts, I have come to really like this layout, with the menu down the left hand side of the screen, a man image combined with text in the middle, and title/links at top of the page. Also on this page, when you scroll down it keeps the menu bar on the left hand side in the same position so you can constantly see it, which i think is handy! Click this link to see..!

* Bold text, with an interactive lemon that moves across your screen as you move the cursor. I like the idea of having an interactive website, whether i would be able to achieve that with my knowledge thoe!!!*Click on this link to go to the website where I found this example.
*I like the use of bold text verse colour verse images. It is done in a way in which they all work together. I do not like how there is a big gap between some of the text ( in the black box ). * Click this link to go to the website where i found this example.
*Also again this page layout is central, I really like the way in which they have placed an image/texture behind another image, then with the information on top of that. I think the layering is effective. Nice colour palette also.*Click this link to go to the wesbite where i found this example.
*I like the way in which the designer has used their name central to the page, in a bold colour and crazy style of writing that draws you in. The contrasting white background works well with this. I like the idea of having a central image, along with the information in the middle of the page. *Click this link to go to the wesbite where i found this example.
*This is a simple layout, yet the colour scheme makes it work.*Click this link to go to the page where I found this example.
*I like the vertical feel that this layout conveys. With a simple layout, yet it is quite different from the standard layouts that are usually seen on websites. I like the use of the simple colour pallet verses a bold streak of colour. *Click this link to go to the page where I found this example.
*I like this layout, with the combination of a bold, yet simple image, which is the first thing that captures your eye when u look on the page, with the contrast of the smaller text is a nice combination. I also like the colour palette used it is simple but strong.

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