Monday, June 15, 2009

Online Portfolio



*I am creating an online portfolio to showcase my fashion design work, in order to illustrate my design skills, style, taste and interests.
*I hope to promote my designs and gain recognition to future employees and clients.
*To make a stand within the fashion industry!


* Future employees, specifically employers within the fashion industry, focusing specifically within design.
* Future clients that I could sell my ideas/work to, specifically within the fashion industry.
* General public to promote myself

Content & Requirements

* My site must have specific images that relate directly back to my goals and target audience.
* I will pick specific images from my strongest projects that will showcase my design work most successfully, I will pick between 20-30 images.
*I will pick images from third and fourth year projects
* My work to be strong to illustrate and portray my design skills, specifically work to do with fashion.
* I want my work to be able to speak for itself so that the audience can read it without having a clear background on my work
* To have specific information that explains my work and designs to my audience clearly, with an easy understanding, within a small content.
* My site to be easily accessed and simple to navigate around the site by any viewer.
* My site to be clear and consistent
* My overall site must have a specific style and feel that directly relates back to my design work.
* My site must have clear contact details
* My site must have a basic over view of my interests and history on my education.

My Design Identity

*Having a consistent style and mood throughout the portfolio that links directly with my design aesthetic and work.


*To have a simple, cohesive, yet unique style and feel
*Colour will be a motif in my site

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